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Know the Importance of FSSAI Food License Registration in India

Know why FSSAI Food License is important for Food Businesses in India

The food business has been the worst hit of all sectors due to the pandemic that has hit everyone around the world. Safety and sanity have become the norm of the hour and one needs to be focused on the issues at hand. This has led to stricter policies and regulations for the FSSAI registration online for food businesses in India. It is thus important to have knowledge regarding the various policies, rules, and regulations and the advantages for the same.

Having prior knowledge regarding the FSSAI registration process and the various rules and regulations will prevent unwanted complications in the process. It will also allow the food business to know the importance of the Food License in running the business and the advantages it has.

What is an FSSAI?

FSSAI or Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is an organization that is responsible for monitoring and governing food business in India. The combined force of FSSAI and FoSCos helps govern on the basis of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (FSS Act) and the set rules and regulations related to food safety and standard regulation in India.

The FSSAI and FoSCos are responsible for looking after the issues arising due to food businesses and making sure that the food products undergo regular quality checks. This helps in preventing the adulteration and sale of sub-standard food products. It is responsible to look after the registration and licensing of the various food businesses in India.

What are the categories of food licenses?

The FSSAI registration food license is an integral part of any food business in India. FSSAI registered food license is a 14-digit-number issued by the concerned authorities to grant the sale of food. The food license is of various types that are issued based on the scale of the business and the operation method. The three categories of license are as follows:

FSSAI Basic Registration :

It is for small businesses where the turnover is less than that of 12 lakh rupees when calculated on the yearly basis. This is generally for the street hawkers and small vendors whose sale is limited to their daily production. The following requirements:

  • Sellers with limited operations.
  • Self-production
  • A small stall.
  • Businesses involved in social and religious gatherings
  • Small scale industries.
  • Production or processing capacity less than 100 kg/liter per day
  • Meat industry with a capacity of not more than
  • 2 large animals
  • 10 small animals
  • 50 poultry birds per day.

FSSAI State License:

is generally for businesses that have a turnover ranging between 12 lakh rupees to 20 crore rupees on a yearly basis. The requirements for the same are:

  • Proprietary category of Foods
  • Hotels with a 4-star rating and below
  • Production or processing capacity of 500 to 50000 liters.
  • Meat industry with a capacity of not more than
  • 2 and up to 50 large animals
  • 10 and up to 150 small animals
  • 50 to up to 1000 poultry birds
  • Food processing capacity of 100 kg/liter to 2 metric tonnes.

FSSAI Central License

It is for those businesses where the turnover is more than that of 20 crore rupees and they deal in the import and export of products.

  • Businesses with branches in more than one state
  • 5-star or more rated Hotels
  • 100% export-oriented in the production or processing of food.
  • Caterers under Central Government
  • Meat industry with a capacity of not more than
  • 50 large animals or more
  • 150 small animals or more
  • 1000 or more poultry birds per day
  • Food processing capacity of over 2 metric tonnes per day.

How does the FSSAI Food license benefit businesses?

The registration of any food business under the FSSAI rules and regulations is based on compliance with the policies. In getting themselves registered they are provided with several benefits which they can take advantage of. Some of the main benefits of the FSSAI food license are as follows:

Create Consumer awareness:

The registration of an FSSAI food license allows people to get familiar with the various safety and standard regulations as mentioned under the FSSAI guidelines. It helps in creating consumer awareness regarding the quality of service available at the business and how it is beneficial.

Increase Trustworthiness:

The registration of an FSSAI food license gives the customers the assurance of the quality of products available and the services that are rendered by the business. An FSSAI license thus allows the business to lure their customers towards them with the help of the trust built with the license.

Ensure minimal Legal hassles:

The registration of an FSSAI food license allows for the operation of any business to become less complicated and provides several benefits associated with the FSSAI food license that will prevent legal problems and will protect it under the law.

Open the Door for expansion:

The registration of an FSSAI food license allows the significant expansion of any food business. This expansion is based on the category of licenses that are issued by the concerned authorities for the businesses. This can help them build their business on the reputation built through the years.

Attract FDI:

The registration of an FSSAI food license helps in bringing investment from FDI as a result of the trust built by the issue of the license. It also allows for further financial gains through funding and internal investments.

The customers also benefit from the issue of an FSSAI food license. With times like these one has become very conscious about the places they eat and the hygienic environment of the food business. Thus having an FSSAI license will attract more and more customers because of the validity that the food business provides.


With the situation getting back to normal, there has been a significant rise in the number of businesses applying for an FSSAI food license. It is important to know all the details before diving into the process and facing problems. It not only helps the process become hassle-free but also protects the business from any legal difficulties. With the above-mentioned information, one can have a basic understanding of the registration process and its importance to any food business.

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